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Rehab"ing" A Little At A Time

January 6th, 2021 | 2 min. read

By Jen Azevedo


By Scott Fushi - Personal Fitness Trainer

Attn. Paseo Posse, Merry Fitness and a Healthy New Knee (or any other part you need fixed)!


As the Paseo Club's oldest and most damaged personal trainer, I am here to tell you that "movement is indeed medicine" but sometimes when the joint is just plain worn out, exercise will only go so far. Once your sleep patterns are disrupted and you are dealing with almost constant pain levels, orthopedic intervention/assistance may be needed. There is hope!

My list of injuries goes from head to toe, literally... from concussions, fractured eye socket, to level 3 tears in my ankle, neuromas and fractured big toes. Throw torn bicep, rotator cuff, fractured ribs, cracked sternum, broken wrist, broken thumb, fractured tailbone, scoliosis into the mix and yet, I keep going strong at 60!

I have had to rehab myself and my clients through some tough stuff. Together we survive and even thrive. A support system and willingness to work will "heal" most anything. Please utilize our very knowledgeable and experienced staff to help you get to your fitness and function goals. It could be something as simple as wanting to lose some weight and feel less tired to rehabbing from a stroke, surgery or joint replacement.  Regardless of the reason, please know that progress and improvement is within your reach. You just have to extend and grab it! Show up and we will hold you accountable. Setting realistic and achievable goals will allow us to make this journey feel challenging yet rewarding. There is a fun movie called "What About Bob" with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss. Bill Murray is a psych patient to Dreyfuss's doc. The phrase "Baby Steps" is used often and really connected with me early in my career. It is still relevant now, especially regarding fitness and physical rehabilitation.  Every day is a chance to improve and get better but the progress just needs to be small and continuous.

We get depressed when we think of how far we need to go or how bad we have become.  The key to getting out of that negative cycle is to take even the tiniest little improvement and build on it.


Trainers and pros here at Paseo will help you build a better body one baby step at a time!


Please contact Scott Fushi directly if you are currently considering a knee replacement. The phase 3 clinical trial that he participated in is still looking for candidates. Lotus Medical Research is based out of Pasadena's Huntington Hospital. The contact is Stephanie at 626-397-2387. It uses an experimental process called cryoneurolysis for very effective pain management. The knee replacement, therapy and meds are free to participants.


Jen Azevedo

Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!