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Pros and cons of Kids Club for older kids (plus the top 7 activities!)

September 7th, 2022 | 3 min. read

By Jen Azevedo

When you require childcare for your kid or kids while you exercise, you need to know that the facility and staff are a good fit for them. Your child needs to be occupied, engaged, and entertained.


Often childcare centers focus on the needs of toddlers and young children, and the older kids get ignored. They are too young to stay home but too old for dollies and stuffed animals at daycare. 


Paseo Club offers care to children as young as three months and as old as twelve years. 


We recently noticed that our older kids needed something new and special. So, we revamped their toys and supplies to make sure that even the older kids had several fun things to do while at Kids Club.


In this article, you will learn about the benefits of Kids Club for young adolescents and what options await them at the club. Because we believe in transparency, we will include the drawbacks of Kids Club for kids in this age range as well.


What are the benefits of Kids Club for older kids?

There are many advantages Kids Club offers to the older children of Paseo.

1. Kids Club gives concerned parents peace of mind because they know their children are supervised during their visit to Paseo.


Even though the older kids are beginning to become independent, many parents are not comfortable leaving their kids at home alone on their own yet. 


2. Kids Club provides age-appropriate activities, games, and toys to keep big kids busy. 


3. Older kids can meet peers to engage in group play at Kids Club. 

4. Older kids love to spend time with our Kids Club staff, whom they enjoy talking to during visits.


What are the drawbacks of Kids Club for older kids?

Although the staff at Kids Club have trained to care for and engage with older kids, there are still drawbacks to consider.


1. Because this age group is in school or after-school activities most of the time, there are not many older children that visit the Kids Club.


Therefore, kids in this age range may be the oldest child among a group of toddlers and younger kids.


2. Kids of the older age group tend to start being more independent and (contrary to what their parents think) believe they are old enough to be left on their own without supervision.


Older kids can have a negative attitude toward babysitters and caregivers. Because of this, they may feel resistant to being left in the care of staff. 


What are the top 7 activities the older kids enjoy at Kids Club? 

Kids Club has several activities for older kids. All these options are developmentally appropriate for young adolescents.


    1. Board games are a popular choice for groups of two or more. Board games help to increase brain function, teach teamwork, and how to be a good sport — even when you lose. A few of the top board games at Paseo are Clue Junior, Monopoly Junior, Uno, Guess Who, Headbands, and Sorry.
    2. Reading advanced chapter books always is a great way to get lost in a story and unwind from a full day at school. Sometimes kids don’t want to play and socialize more — they just need a peaceful place to rest and read.
    3. Detailed pictures for coloring offer intricate designs that foster imagination for hours.
    4. Creating comic books gives kids the space to narrate (often very funny) stories and illustrate them with images of their own making.
    5. Building with legos or blocks is an activity kids of all ages engage in for hours. Spaceships, towns, and fantasy worlds are all invented from children's imagination. 
    6. Advanced art supplies such as pastels and paints give the older kids the opportunity to experiment with color and techniques that they may not be able to do elsewhere. 
    7. Hanging out is still one of the most enjoyable pastimes for tweens. Connecting with peers through talking about what happened at school, trading jokes, or sharing their favorite scenes from Harry Potter is a bonding experience that often leads to new friendships.


What are the older kids’ favorite outdoor activities?

Kids Club offers outdoor space for multiple games and free play. Older kids often enjoy a game of basketball, soccer, or handball.

Why Kids Club still meets the needs of older kids

Young adolescents are at a time in their lives developmentally when they are not little kids anymore, but not independent teens either. They need autonomy but also some supervision.


Older kids are smart, funny, and want intellectual and physical challenges. The staff at Kids Club recognizes that the needs of young adolescents are unique to this stage in life and need to be treated accordingly.


Paseo Club has childcare for babies, toddlers, and older kids. There are toys, activities, art supplies, and books for all age groups to enjoy.


Paseo Club also offers several classes for older kids. Learn about the activities for kids at Paseo and the popular program, junior tennis.


Paseo is not the only place offering cool things to do. Santa Clarita Valley is full of exciting classes for kids of all ages


While your kids are at Kids Club, have you decided which fitness program you are most interested in? If not, check out the class calendar and register today.


To check out Paseo Club’s eight-acre facility, all you need to do is sign up for a tour. They are offered during open hours seven days a week.  


Jen Azevedo

Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!


Kids Club