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Pros and cons of kids club at Paseo Club

July 25th, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Jen Azevedo

Carving out time to exercise is a difficult thing to do as a parent. Between work and kids, it often feels like there are not enough hours in the day for anything else. That is why Paseo Club created the childcare facility, Kids Club. 


Kids Club is an on-site daycare for parents so you can work out and your kids can have a safe and fun place to play. 


What you may not know is that we have a special place for our youngest children called Kids Corner.


At Paseo Club, we have cared for our members’ children for 19 years, so we know a lot about kids. That is why we wrote this article for you. 


By the end of this article, you’ll know the advantages and disadvantages of Kids Corner. You’ll know if Kids Corner may be a good fit for your baby or toddler and the drawbacks of our daycare center. 


Who is Kids Corner for?

Kids Corner area is the childcare room at Paseo Club for children ages three months through four years of age. 


Babies are cared for one-on-one by a designated care provider. They are held in arms or worn using baby carriers. They are soothed in baby swings or in strollers that parents provide. 

There are activity centers, jumpers, pack-and-plays, and more for babies to enjoy. Older babies play with soft, age-appropriate toys such as stacking rings, cloth blocks, dolls, or stuffed animals.

Babies are bottle-fed, as needed. 


Toddlers and young children

In Kids Corner, there is a range of age-appropriate toys that are safe, educational, and fun for youngsters. These toys help develop fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and socialization. 

Toys that inspire imaginative play are popular at Kids Corner. There is a pretend kitchen, doctor sets, small playhouses, and toy people.

At Kids Corner, there are diaper-changing facilities and bathrooms for young children. 

Pros of Kids Corner


The number one benefit to choosing Kids Corner for your child or children is convenience


Working out where your child receives care saves you time and worry. Time is saved because you do not need to drive to a secondary facility. You can be worry-free because you are literally seconds away if your child needs you. 



Kids Corner is committed to providing a high-quality childcare experience.


  • Experience: The staff at Kids Corner have experience caring for children of different ages. 
  • Trained in CPR: The care providers are trained in CPR for children. 
  • Small groups: The staff-to-child ratio is quite low at one care provider to six children. This ratio allows staff to provide quality attention and care to all the children in their care.
  • Personal Connections: The staff at Kids Corner is committed to getting to know your child — their likes, and dislikes, favorite activities, and who their friends are. 
  • Helping with transitions: We are experienced in helping children who are new to daycare and feel nervous about being separated from their parents. We have a system to slowly and gently support the child in becoming more independent and engaged with new friends and toys at Kids Corner. 
  • Attentive care: The care providers do not spend time on their phones nor do they use screens to entertain the children. They play games, do art projects, and engage your child to whatever degree they need to feel safe and have fun.


Reliable care

Though there are many benefits to personal babysitters and nannies, if the babysitter gets sick, they usually do not have a backup provider to help you


That means you miss your workout or cancel your meetings to stay home and care for your child. At Kids Corner, we are always open and available for children during our hours of operation.



Children at Kids Club learn to socialize with others. Socializing is an important part of development for children of all ages. Socialization teaches children essential life skills.


  • Sharing and taking turns
  • Caring for others and inclusion
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication skills
  • Cooperation 
  • How to make new friends



At Kids Corner, the emphasis is on safe and fun play for babies and young children. But we found there is no reason that this experience for children cannot also be educational.

Babies, toddlers, and young children are learning so much every day. We take advantage of this natural curiosity and use games, puzzles, and play to help them become familiar with numbers, letters, colors, and shapes. 



Kids Corner is one of the most affordable daycare programs you will find. 


Beginning August 1, 2022, parents pay $50 per month, per child to use Kids Corner. 


An hourly rate of $12 per hour/per child, is also available for parents who occasionally need childcare.

What are the cons of Kids Corner?

Exposure to illness

When a child is in daycare, they are exposed to more germs.


The staff at Paseo Club cleans and sterilizes toys and their facility throughout the day and at shift changes. But, especially in cold and flu season, children do get sick more often than children who do not attend childcare.


Less individualized attention

Although the Kids Corner staff-to-child ratio is low, it is not as low as the one-on-one care your child would receive with a babysitter or nanny. 


In Kids Corner, there are moments when there are multiple children with diverse needs vying for attention and priority which can force some kids to have their needs delayed.


Staff turnover

We do everything we can to keep our staff happy. But staff turnover does happen. 


Sometimes a member of the staff moves or finds another job that is better suited to their needs. Also, staff can change the times or days they work at Kids Corner.


This means that children have to adjust to different providers and become accustomed to not always having long-term relationships with the staff.


Limited hours

Kids Corner is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm. On the weekend it is open from 8 am to 1 pm. 


These hours are when most fitness classes are taught and are peak times at Paseo Club. 


But, there is a use limit at Kids Corner. Parents can use only two hours of care in the morning and two hours of care in the afternoon, maximum.


This schedule can limit parents who want to attend a class and then swim, get a massage, or have a drink with a friend. Stacking activities like that can often take you beyond the two-hour limit which makes it difficult to attend both activities.

What to know if you want to try Kids Corner 

In this article, you have learned about the Kids Corner at Paseo Club. We hope it gives you the information you need to decide if it is a good fit for you and your family.


At Paseo Club, we know that life can be a juggling act. That is why we try to provide resources for health, fitness, and fun for members of all ages under one roof. 


If you would like to try Kids Corner with your baby or young child, please feel free to come and visit. Reserve your spot at least one hour before the time you wish to arrive. Parents may call the Paseo Club, email us at kidscorner@thepaseoclub.com, or tell the staff in person.

Still not a member of the Paseo Club? Come check out our childcare center in person as well as the tennis and pickleball courts, junior-Olympic pool, areas for fitness classes, and cafe by signing up for a tour.

Schedule a Tour


Jen Azevedo

Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!