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More Commonly Asked Questions At The Front Desk

March 16th, 2021 | 2 min. read

By Jen Azevedo


By Anabella Youmazzo - Front Desk Associate

How to get past the front desk as fast as possible

People are regularly running late to their classes, lessons or court reservations and want to speed by the front desk.  Unfortunately, during these times the front desk staff has to get your temperature and make sure you are a member in our system.  One way to speed up this process is to have your forehead bare and ready for a temperature check when you reach the desk. This means removing any hats or headbands that could interfere with a proper temperature check. Additionally, it will be faster if you have your key fob or phone app out, open, and ready. Lastly, it's important that you make sure your credit card has not expired, that you have filled out all liability waivers, and that your picture is in the system.  Moving forward anyone who does not have a picture in our system will be required to take one the next time they come to the club. 

How to cancel or put your membership on hold

It's extremely important that all membership cancellations or requests are in a written format that can be referred to if there are any issues. If you want to cancel or put your membership on hold you must email Membership@thepaseoclub.com. You may also bring in a written request that must have your signature and proof of the date it was brought in. 

How to make reservations at the front desk 

It is always best to use the app and try to make reservations yourself, but this can be difficult so feel free to call or talk to the front desk staff to make reservations. Classes and certain times on the tennis court tend to fill up very fast so be sure to pay attention to whether or not the class or court time you want is in high demand. When requesting reservations for classes it is helpful if you know the name and time of the class. The front desk staff is always willing to help find a class, but knowing exactly what you want speeds up the process. For tennis, swim and pickleball reservations it is best to have multiple time slots that could work for you especially if you are making the reservation at the last minute. The front desk will always give you a court, lane, or spot in the gym if it is available, but we must be strict with capacity rules so please make reservations ahead of time to ensure your spot in a class, court, pool, or gym.

Classes that are typically busy

All 8:30 am classes
Cardio strength, Total body & Pilates Reformer

Tennis and Pickleball Court times that are busy

Saturdays and Sundays 8am- 12pm
Tuesday and Thursdays 5-8pm 
Monday and Wednesdays 6-8pm 

Gym times that are busy 



Pool times that are busy  




Jen Azevedo

Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!