By Trish Deboni- Personal Trainer
Well, I did everything right.
I washed my hands, I wore my mask, I social distanced, I gave up hugging people, I got lots of sleep, I worked out, I ate well, and I took my vitamins. And then it happened. I got sick and tested positive for Covid-19. I couldn’t believe it. I even have the blood type that isn’t supposed to get it. But there I was with a 103 fever, body aches, chills, and a cough. And it came out of nowhere. One minute I was just a little tired (C’mon, I came back to work Nov 1 and taught and subbed more than 40 classes so I was supposed to be a little tired), and the next minute I was calling for a Covid test. And it flattened me. I felt terrible for at least 4 days. I never had problems breathing and for that I am very thankful. But I was out for 14 days and it was needed. It made me tired, congested, and pretty darn miserable.
Now I’m back! (I mean, how many comebacks can one person have in a year?!) and I’m feeling good. I’m out of quarantine, I’m teaching, and I have antibodies and am safe for at least 90 days.
So what can we learn from someone who had the dreaded virus? Well, I definitely think I bounced back quicker than normal and had little trouble with my breathing because of the care I took of myself before and during. There is something to be said for all of the things I mentioned before. I truly believe in prevention first. Taking good care of yourself is essential.
- Getting good, consistent sleep is huge. If you have trouble winding down, try meditating (Paseo Club offers daily meditations and excellent yoga classes), a supplement called Natural Calm, and make sure you are getting some type of physical exercise daily. Working out is as simple as going for a walk or taking advantage of all the classes we offer. Mix up your weekly routine and try new things. If you have to skip a day or two, don’t beat yourself up. Just make time for it the very next day. When you aren’t feeling well, take time off completely. I didn’t work out at all while I was quarantined. I made sure I rested and gave my body a chance to fully heal.
- Eat well! Think of eating as fueling your body for all of the things you need to do. Have colorful, balanced foods readily available and make sure it is food that you like. Don’t force yourself to eat a bunch of foods you hate just because they are healthy. There are so many wonderful foods out there. Think of all the things you CAN have rather than things you can’t. Then sit down, eat slowly, and enjoy your food. If you do get sick, nourish your body with bone broth, soups, bright vegetables, tea, and lots and lots of water. I also added electrolytes to my water. You can get them in powder form at Whole Foods or Sprouts.
- Vitamins and supplements are a whole other blog, but I will say that zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin C definitely sped up my healing process. I always take a multivitamin, vitamin D and C but I amped it up when I got sick. There is also a vitamin called quercetin that helps your body absorb the zinc and I found that super helpful.Here I am- post covid. I’m still a little tired but I am so happy to be feeling good. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be on the other side of this so I can be here to help you take good care of yourself. Thank you to everyone who called, texted, and brought me great homemade food, groceries, and awesome care packages. I couldn’t have done it without you. Paseo Club is such a special place and a community of amazing, caring people. I’m so proud to be a part of it.
So... be safe, wash those hands, wear your mask, and save those hugs for a later date. And most importantly, take great care of yourself.
Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!